The Purpose Behind AnthroPerspectives

AnthroPerspectives has been a long time coming.  With a lifelong connection to reading and writing, my relationship to the human story has always felt like a part of me.  During my childhood, I was an avid reader. Book after book, I delved into the lives of young girls from around the world who were experiencing such different realities, cultures and experiences.  I was always infatuated by the individual’s story, and have not gone through a phase in my life where I wasn’t using writing as a tool for reflection, imagination or understanding.  The seeds of this blog were planted even…

People and Plants: A History of Chamomile

For thousands of years storytelling has been an essential part of humankind.  To keep tradition and history alive, information was shared from person to person until we found a way to keep record of our experiences by writing them down.  My purpose in being a writer is to tell a story.  Not just a story of one person’s life, but narratives of human experience.  As individuals, we each hold within us a memory, a life-span of perspectives and experiences, something to share that is our story.  In communicating our stories and perspectives, we are participating in this significant tradition of…

Coming soon…

Hi everyone, It’s been a few months since I’ve posted in here.  A lot of stuff has been brewing in my mind, things I really want to write about but am having a hard time articulating.  So there are a few articles on the way.  I’m going to be writing about social justice and what we should do with that term now that people have taken it to the extreme and made a bad name for it,  religion and how its place as behavior modification within individual cultural systems has changed as globalization and our ever changing world allow for…