The Rhythms and Cycles of (our) Nature

This blog post is an exploration of our relationship with life. It explores our existence as part of the ecosystem and the evolution into our modern, primarily western cultural experience of life (although it has permeated much of the world). It is an exploration of where we have come from, who we are now and what our relationship with nature is. It creates more questions than answers and invites the reader to explore their relationship to being both human and nature. Life’s Emergence as an Ecosystem The ecosystem we share in today has long been an evolution of relationship between…

How Humans Use Language to Create Meaning

Throughout history, humankind has used oral communication as a method for passing on traditions, rules, and inherited knowledge.  From its origins, we have been using language to understand our surroundings and to create shared meaning around our experience of life.  The ability to tell stories has helped us to define our world, and create ritual, belief, and society.  We continue to do so every time we communicate.  Through the use of narrative, we determine our perspective, and shape our life’s outcome.  What is it about language that makes it such a powerful tool in shaping our experience as human beings?…